Physicians who worked briefly at the Institute | ||
1921-24 Hermann Philippsthal he practiced medicine at the Institute in order to inform himself "On the Effect of Testicle Transplants." Theodor Dobkowsky Dentist. Dobkowsky conducted "tooth examinations on intersexual variants" at the Institute. He claimed to have discovered that the front teeth of homosexuals are smaller than those of heterosexual men. Harry Benjamin Physician from the United States. Benjamin's interest in endocrinology brought him to the Institute in the mid-1920s for consultation. He participated in congresses of the World League for Sexual Reform. Werner Holz Doctor in Nowawes (today Potsdam/Babelsberg), studied a "Case of Transvestism." cand. med. Kurt Wolff came as a student to the Institute via recommendation by Professor Poll of the Berlin University Hereditary Studies Seminar. Researched the psycho-biological questionnaires on the genetic development of homosexuality, androgyny, and intersexuality. Victor Robinson Physician from the United States. Robinson visited the Institute in 1923 regarding research on transvestitism. Norman Haire Gynecologist from London. Haire visited the Institute for the first time in 1923 to learn more about methods of contraception. He was a proponent of the British and international movements for birth control. In the late 1920s, Haire was among the founders of the World League for Sexual Reform. |