Richard Linsert

Commercial clerk, communist, sexual reformer

After working as a commercial clerk, he joined the Institute on recommendation of the jurist Kurt Hiller in 1923. Here he took up his post as secretary of the "Scientific-humanitarian Committee" (Wissenschaftlich-humanitäres Komitee). From 1926, he was head of the "Department of Sexual Reform" and organized public question-and-answer evenings on sexual matters in the Institute's lecture hall.

It was owing to his active commitment that a call for the scrapping of § 175, the homosexual clause, found entrance into the Communist Party of Germany's (KPD) programme.

After falling out politically with Hirschfeld and parting from the Institute, he set up the "Sexological Archives" in 1930, with former Institute physicians offering their cooperation. He remained secretary of the "Scientific-humanitarian Committee" right up to his death.

