Rudolph R./Dorchen | ||
Domestic (male/female) and patient Rudolph, who even early on in childhood - displayed a "tendency to act and carry on in a feminine way", was castrated at his own request in 1922. He worked as a domestic at the Institute, dressed as a woman and generally called Dora. Hirschfeld affectionately called her Dorchen (little Dora) and published her transformation process as a transvestite in his work on gender studies "Geschlechtskunde". Institute physician Felix Abraham published Dorchen's gender transformation as case-study: "Her castration had the effect - albeit not very extensive - of making her body became fuller, restricting her beard growth, making visible the first signs of breast development, and giving the pelvic fat pad... a more feminine shape." In 1931, when Dora, is about forty, her penis was amputated by the Institute physician Dr. Levy-Lenz, and then an artificial vagina was surgically grafted by the Berlin surgeon Prof. Dr. Gohrbandt. Dorchen was one of the first sex changes altogether. The sexual physician Dr. Levy-Lenz, who joined the Institute in 1925, recalls the domestic personnel as follows: "It was, moreover, very difficult for transvestites to find a job.(...) As we knew this and as only few places of work were willing to employ transvestites, we did everything we could to give such people a job at our Institute. For instance, we had five maids - all of them male transvestites, and I shall never forget the sight one day when I happened to go into the Institute's kitchen after work: there they sat close together, the five "girls", peacefully knitting and sewing and singing old folk-songs. These were, in any case, the best, most hardworking and conscientious domestic workers we ever had. Never ever did a stranger visiting us notice anything..." |